Series YZ-N Torque Range 7 - 65 Nm Non shut-off BATTERY IMPULSE WRENCHES Cordless Battery Impulse Wrenches YZ-N SERIES Tighten lighter quieter and smarter Ultimate tightening feeling Tighten smoothly respectfully and gently Improvement of operability and work ability - Output adjustment 4 setting of motor output by the switch (2000,3000,4000,4800rpm) Optimum adjustment possible, for…
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Series YBX-T
Series YBX-T Torque Range 7 - 35 Nm Electronic controlled shut-off BATTERY IMPULSE WRENCHES EC Battery Impulse Wrench for Error-Proof Productivity Yokota‘s battery impulse wrench YBX-T with the patented twin-blade impulse mechanism calculates the shut-off over several impulses and controls it electronically. An integrated angle encoder provides improved repeatability and closer torque tolerances. Group monitoring…
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